Since 1994, CdK has been researching karst, educating about its importance and protecting Puerto Rico’s natural systems. Some of the most important initiatives in which we have participated are:

Karso Institute of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
The purpose of the IKPReC is to promote scientific research and education about the natural systems on which all life in our country and on the planet depends. The IKPReC will consist of a scientific research center and a Museum of Natural History of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, which does not currently exist in Puerto Rico.

Maps on the impact of global warming in Puerto Rico
The 2007 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessed the consequences of global warming on different aspects of the planet and its impact on human society up to the year 2100.

Dr. Agustín Stah Awardl
The Dr. Agustín Stahl Award honors a scientist who has done exceptional work in the natural sciences and whose work has resulted in significant contributions to Puerto Rico, the Caribbean region and the world.

Mata de Plátano Field Station
Located in the Mata de Plátano Natural Reserve, 7 km from Arecibo, it is a study space for professional researchers and students.

Botanical studies in karst
We want the world to know the great plant diversity of the karst of Puerto Rico.

Concho Toad Recovery Pilot Project
We support the reintroduction of this species in the northern karst strip of the island.

Forest Inventory of the Northern Karst Belt
We analyzed tree assemblages and conducted forest inventories in the karst areas.

Acquisition and conservation of land
Protecting and conserving Puerto Rican karst land is a fundamental part of our mission.